Schema documentation

Generated by MySQL Workbench Model Documentation plugin - Copyright (c) 2015 Hieu Le

Table: busconfiguration



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idNetworkConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for network configurations

foreign key to column idNetworkConfig on table networkconfiginfo.
idBus INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for nodes

foreign key to column idBus on table busdata.
BusName VARCHAR(45) NULL unique name for nodes
Vmax DOUBLE '1.1' p.u.
Vmin DOUBLE '0.9' p.u.
WindShare DOUBLE NULL fraction, portion of each country's Wind generation assigned to a given node
SolarShare DOUBLE NULL fraction, portion of each country's PV generation assigned to a given node
idDistProfile INT NULL identifier for profile of DistIv’s generation at each node, this table is updated after each scenario-year simulation is completed so the next year will use the previous year’s DistIv generation as an assumption in CentIv


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idNetworkConfig, idBus PRIMARY
fk_BusDataConfiguration_BusData1_idx idBus INDEX
fk_BusDataConfiguration_NetworkConfigInfo1_idx idNetworkConfig INDEX

Table: busdata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idBus INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for nodes
internalBusId INT NULL redundant with idBus
BusName VARCHAR(45) NULL unique name for nodes
SwissgridNodeCode VARCHAR(45) NULL match Swissgrid codes for all CH nodes
ZoneId INT NULL zonal assignment of all nodes
X_Coord FLOAT NULL X coordinate in LV03 format
Y_Coord FLOAT NULL Y coordinate in LV03 format
BusType VARCHAR(2) 'PQ' 1=PQ (load bus), 2=PV (generator bus), 3=reference (slack bus)
Gs DOUBLE '0' Shunt Conductance, MW demanded at voltage = 1.0 p.u.
Bs DOUBLE '0' Shunt Susceptance, MVAr injected at voltage = 1.0 p.u.
Country VARCHAR(45) NULL Country assignment of all nodes
SubRegion VARCHAR(45) NULL Region assignment of all nodes, could be Canton, municipality, etc
StartYr DOUBLE NULL first year a node should be included in the network configuration
EndYr DOUBLE NULL last year a node should be included in the network configuration


Name Columns Type Description

Table: dbinfo



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
Date VARCHAR(25) Not null date this database was created
Excel_file_used VARCHAR(150) Not null associated Excel file used to originally create this database
Matlab_file_used VARCHAR(150) Not null associated Matlab file used to originally create this database
created_by_user VARCHAR(100) Not null name of user who originally created this database
Schema_version DOUBLE Not null version number of the schema structure for this database, 1 = use for BFE Phase 1 project on flexibility, 2 = updated to more advanced database
notes TEXT NULL please provide any additional notes or comments about this database

Table: distdsmpotential



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
Parameter VARCHAR(55) PRIMARY, Not null identifier for parameters with supplied values by year
Year INT PRIMARY, Not null year associated with the value
value DOUBLE NULL values for DSM potential by year, PowerShift_Hrly (in GW) is the maximum power that can be shifted per hour for all of Switzerland, EnergyShift_Daily is the maximum energy that can be shifted per day for all Switzerland


Name Columns Type Description

Table: distgenconfiginfo



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idDistGenConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed generator configurations
Year INT NULL year associated with the distributed generator configuration
Name VARCHAR(55) NULL name given to the distributed generator configuration


Name Columns Type Description

Table: distgenconfiguration



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idDistGenConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed generator configurations
idDistGen INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed generators
Year INT NULL year associated with the distributed generator configuration
GenName VARCHAR(55) NULL unique name for distributed generators
InvCost_P DOUBLE NULL Annualized investment cost for building generator based on power capacity, kEUR/kW
InvCost_E DOUBLE NULL Annualized investment cost for building generator based on energy capacity, kEUR/kWh
FOM_Cost DOUBLE NULL Fixed O&M cost, EUR/kW/yr
VOM_Cost DOUBLE NULL nonFuel variable O&M cost, EUR-cents/kWh
Fuel_Cost DOUBLE NULL Fuel cost, EUR-cents/kWh
Heat_Credit DOUBLE NULL credit/payment for excess heat produced based on electricity generation, EUR-cents/kWh-el
KEV DOUBLE NULL one-time capacity subsidy payment, EUR/kW
WACC DOUBLE NULL weighted average cost of capital, the average rate a company expects to pay to finance its assets, fraction
LCOE DOUBLE NULL leveled cost of electricity, EUR-cent/kWh
Heat_Value DOUBLE NULL value/price for excess heat, EUR-cents/kWh-th


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idDistGenConfig, idDistGen PRIMARY

Table: distgendata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idDistGen INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed generators
GenName VARCHAR(55) NULL unique name for distributed generators
GenType VARCHAR(45) NULL Basic gen type (Hydro, Conv, RES, Storage)
Technology VARCHAR(45) NULL Technology subtype (Dam, Pump, RoR, Nucl, Lignite, Coal, GasCC, GasSC, Biomass, Oil, Wind, PV, GeoTh, BatteryPV, BatteryGrid, GasCHP, etc)
UnitType VARCHAR(45) NULL Dispatchable or NonDispatchable (used to know which gens are controllable and can be used for reserves)
Type VARCHAR(45) NULL more specific details about the distributed generators unit type
CandidateUnit TINYINT NULL indicator if a given distributed generator should be considered for investment
InvestmentType VARCHAR(45) NULL indicator for the type of investment, continuous = non-discrete capacity investment blocks
min_Size_kW DOUBLE NULL kW, minimum investment size per unit built
Pmax_kW DOUBLE NULL kW, rated size of one unit
Pmin_kW DOUBLE NULL kW, minimum generation from one unit
Dischrg_max DOUBLE NULL kW max discharging rate / kWh of installed energy storage volume
Chrg_max DOUBLE NULL kW max charging rate / kWh of installed energy storage volume
eta_dis DOUBLE NULL storage discharging efficiency, kW-from storage / kW-to grid, note this value should be > 1
eta_ch DOUBLE NULL storage charging efficiency, kW-to storage / kW-from grid, note this value should be < 1
Self_dischrg DOUBLE NULL fraction of Energy in storage lost per hour
Emax DOUBLE NULL max State Of Charge (Fraction max allowable of E_max_kWh)
Emin DOUBLE NULL min State Of Charge (Fraction min allowable of E_max_kWh)
E_ini DOUBLE NULL initial State Of Charge (Fraction of E_max_kWh at initial)
E_final DOUBLE NULL final State Of Charge (Fraction of E_max_kWh at final)
Pini DOUBLE NULL Initial power generation level at first time interval of simulation, fraction of Pmax
RU DOUBLE NULL Ramp Up rate, fraction of Pmax
RD DOUBLE NULL Ramp Down Rate, fraction of Pmax
Lifetime DOUBLE NULL Yrs
GenEffic DOUBLE NULL Fractional electrical generator efficiency or heat rate, MWh-electric / MWh-heat (fuel)
ThmlEffic DOUBLE NULL Fractional thermal efficiency of generator, MWh-heat (produced) / MWh-heat (fuel)
CapFactor DOUBLE NULL Fractional ratio of actual annual production compared to maximum annual production
CO2Rate DOUBLE NULL CO2 emission rate, tonne CO2 / MWh-electric
Emax_kWh DOUBLE NULL Maximum storage volume of one unit, kWh
FuelType VARCHAR(45) NULL unique name of fuel used by given generator
ElecOwnUseFactor DOUBLE NULL Fraction of electricity generated that is consumed onsite for own use at the power plant


Name Columns Type Description

Table: distprofiles



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idDistProfile INT PRIMARY, Auto increments, Not null primary identifier for distributed profiles
name VARCHAR(45) NULL descriptive name for given profile
type VARCHAR(45) NULL defines the type of profile (DistIvGen, Irradiation, SolarGen, etc.)
resolution VARCHAR(45) NULL # hrs each entry in the profile covers (1 = hourly, 24 = daily, 168 = weekly, etc.)
unit VARCHAR(45) NULL associated units of the given profile
timeSeries JSON NULL time series values of the profile


Name Columns Type Description

Table: distregionbygentypedata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
Parameter VARCHAR(55) PRIMARY, Not null identifier for parameters with supplied values by region and generator type
idRegion INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed regions
idDistGen INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed generators
GenName VARCHAR(55) NULL unique name for distributed generators
value DOUBLE NULL values for parameters given by region and generator type, RetailTariff & Whole2Retail_Margin (both in EUR/MWh) are the average consumers electricity price and average markup needed to reach the consumers electricity price for a given region and a given consumer size (consumer size is identified by the PV size)


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idRegion, idDistGen, Parameter PRIMARY

Table: distregionbyirradleveldata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
Parameter VARCHAR(55) PRIMARY, Not null identifier for parameters with supplied values by region and irradiation level
idRegion INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed regions
idDistGen INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed generators
GenName VARCHAR(55) NULL unique name for distributed generators
IrradLevel INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for irradiation levels, kWh/m^2
value DOUBLE NULL values for parameters given by region and generator type and irradiation level, PV_CapacityPotential (in kW)


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY Parameter, idRegion, idDistGen, IrradLevel PRIMARY

Table: distregiondata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idRegion INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed regions
RegionName VARCHAR(45) NULL name given to the distributed region (currently Canton abbreviation, matches busdata SubRegion)
idProfile_Irrad INT NULL primary identifier for profiles, identifies the profile that defines this region’s time series irradiation
idProfile_PVCapFactor INT NULL primary identifier for profiles, identifies the profile that defines this region’s time series PV generation
GridTariff DOUBLE NULL network usage price for customers in a region, EUR/MWh
PVInjTariff DOUBLE NULL price paid by DSO to consumers in a region for injection of excess PV generation, EUR/MWh


Name Columns Type Description

Table: fuelprices



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
fuel VARCHAR(20) Not null Name of the fuels, e.g., “Gas_EU”, “Coal_EU”, Coal_CH”.
year INT Not null year associated with the given fuel price
price DOUBLE Not null value for the given fuel price
unit VARCHAR(45) Not null definition of the units for the given fuel price

Table: genconfiginfo



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idGenConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for generator configurations
name VARCHAR(45) NULL name given to the generator configuration
year INT NULL year associated with the generator configuration


Name Columns Type Description

Table: genconfiguration



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idGenConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for generator configurations

foreign key to column idGenConfig on table genconfiginfo.
idBus INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for node when given generator is located

foreign key to column idBus on table busdata.
idGen INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for generators

foreign key to column idGen on table gendata.
GenName VARCHAR(55) NULL unique name for generators
idProfile INT NULL identifier for profile that defines this generator’s time series production (RES units) or time series for water inflows (Hydro units)

foreign key to column idProfile on table profiledata.
CandidateUnit TINYINT NULL indicator if a given generator does not yet exist and should be considered for investment
Emax DOUBLE NULL Maximum storage volume, MWh
Emin DOUBLE NULL Minimum allowable storage volume, MWh
E_ini DOUBLE NULL Initial storage volume at beginning of simulation, fraction of Emax
VOM_Cost DOUBLE NULL nonFuel variable O&M cost, EUR/MWh
FOM_Cost DOUBLE NULL Fixed O&M cost, EUR/MW/yr
InvCost DOUBLE NULL Annualized investment cost for building generator, EUR/MW/yr
InvCost_E DOUBLE NULL Annualized investment cost for building storage capacity associated with a storage generator, EUR/MWh/yr
StartCost DOUBLE NULL EUR/MW/start
TotVarCost DOUBLE NULL Sum of all variable operating costs, EUR/MWh
FuelType VARCHAR(45) NULL unique name of fuel used by given generator
status DOUBLE NULL online status, 1 = in service, 0 = not in service
HedgeRatio DOUBLE NULL fraction, portion of monthly average power generated to offer into the Future market clearing


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idGenConfig, idBus, idGen PRIMARY
fk_GenComposition_BusData1_idx idBus INDEX
fk_GenComposition_GenData1_idx idGen INDEX
fk_GenConfiguration_ProfileData1_idx idProfile INDEX
fk_GenConfiguration_GenConfigInfo1_idx idGenConfig INDEX

Table: gendata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idGen INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for generators
GenName VARCHAR(55) NULL unique name for generators
GenType VARCHAR(45) NULL Basic gen type (Hydro, Conv, RES)
Technology VARCHAR(45) NULL Technology subtype (Dam, Pump, RoR, Nucl, Lignite, Coal, GasCC, GasSC, Biomass, Oil, Wind, PV, GeoTh, etc)
UnitType VARCHAR(45) NULL Dispatchable or NonDispatchable (used to know which gens are controllable and can be used for reserves)
StartYr DOUBLE NULL Year this generator was first online (default = 2012)
EndYr DOUBLE NULL Last year this generator is online
GenEffic DOUBLE NULL Fractional generator efficiency or heat rate, MWh-electric / MWh-heat
CO2Rate DOUBLE NULL CO2 emission rate, tonne CO2 / MWh-electric
eta_dis DOUBLE NULL storage discharging efficiency, kW-to grid / kW-from storage
eta_ch DOUBLE NULL storage charging efficiency, kW-to storage / kW-from grid
RU DOUBLE NULL Ramp Up rate, MW/hr
RD DOUBLE NULL Ramp Down Rate, MW/hr
RU_start DOUBLE NULL Ramp Up Rate during Start Up, MW/hr
RD_shutd DOUBLE NULL Ramp Down Rate during Shut Down, MW/hr
UT INT NULL Minimum Up Time, hr
DT INT NULL Minimum Down Time, hr
Pini DOUBLE NULL Initial power generation level at first time interval of simulation, MW
Tini DOUBLE NULL Number of hours generator has already been online at first time interval of simulation, hr
meanErrorForecast24h DOUBLE NULL normalised mean error for renewable generation forecasted 24 hrs ahead (dimensionless)
sigmaErrorForecast24h DOUBLE NULL standard deviation for renewable generation forecasted 24 hrs ahead (dimensionless)


Name Columns Type Description

Table: lineconfiguration



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idNetworkConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for network configurations

foreign key to column idNetworkConfig on table networkconfiginfo.
idLine INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for lines

foreign key to column idLine on table linedata.
LineName VARCHAR(45) Not null unique name for lines
idFromBus INT Not null idBus for FROM side node of a given line

foreign key to column idBus on table busdata.
idToBus INT Not null idBus for TO side node of a given line

foreign key to column idBus on table busdata.
angmin DOUBLE '-360' minimum voltage angle different in degrees
angmax DOUBLE '360' maximum voltage angle different in degrees
status DOUBLE NULL line status, 1 = in service, 0 = out of service
FromBusName VARCHAR(45) NULL Bus Name for FROM side node of a given line
ToBusName VARCHAR(45) NULL Bus Name for TO side node of a given line
FromCountry VARCHAR(45) NULL Country abbreviation for FROM side node of a given line
ToCountry VARCHAR(45) NULL Country abbreviation for TO side node of a given line
Ind_CrossBord INT NULL indicator if a given line crosses between two countries
Ind_Agg INT NULL indicator if a given line is represented as an aggregation/simplification of the actual physical network
Ind_HVDC INT NULL indicator if a given line is an HVDC line
Candidate TINYINT NULL indicator if a given line should be considered for investment
CandCost DOUBLE NULL annualized cost to build a candidate line, EUR/km/yr


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idNetworkConfig, idLine PRIMARY
fk_LineConfiguration_BusData1_idx idFromBus INDEX
fk_LineConfiguration_BusData2_idx idToBus INDEX
fk_LineConfiguration_LineData1_idx idLine INDEX
fk_LineConfiguration_NetworkconfigInfo1_idx idNetworkConfig INDEX

Table: linedata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idLine INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for lines
LineName VARCHAR(45) Not null unique name for lines
r DOUBLE NULL line resistance in p.u.
x DOUBLE NULL line reactance in p.u.
b DOUBLE NULL line susceptance in p.u.
rateA DOUBLE NULL line rating in MVA, nominal rating
rateB DOUBLE NULL line rating in MVA, short term rating
rateC DOUBLE NULL line rating in MVA, emergency rating
StartYr DOUBLE NULL first year a line should be included in the network configuration
EndYr DOUBLE NULL last year a line should be included in the network configuration
kV DOUBLE NULL line voltage in kV
MVA_Winter DOUBLE NULL line rating in MVA, applicable in winter
MVA_Summer DOUBLE NULL line rating in MVA, applicable in summer
MVA_SprFall DOUBLE NULL line rating in MVA, applicable in spring and fall
length DOUBLE NULL line length in km


Name Columns Type Description

Table: loadconfiginfo



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idLoadConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for load configurations
name VARCHAR(45) NULL name given to the load configuration
year INT NULL year associated with the load configuration


Name Columns Type Description

Table: loadconfiguration



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idLoadConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for load configurations

foreign key to column idLoadConfig on table loadconfiginfo.
idBus INT Not null primary identifier for nodes, defines the node ID that this load is associated with

foreign key to column idBus on table busdata.
idLoad INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for load

foreign key to column idLoad on table loaddata.
idProfile INT NULL primary identifier for profiles, identifies the profile that defines this load’s time series demand

foreign key to column idProfile on table profiledata.
loadFactor DOUBLE NULL fraction, portion of each country's Load demand assigned to a given node, can be used to split a single load value for a country into the nodal loads or to split a single profile of values for a country into the nodal profiles for loads


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idLoadConfig, idLoad PRIMARY
fk_LoadConfiguration_LoadData1_idx idLoad INDEX
fk_LoadConfiguration_BusData1_idx idBus INDEX
fk_LoadConfiguration_ProfileData1_idx idProfile INDEX
fk_LoadConfiguration_LoadConfigInfo1_idx idLoadConfig INDEX

Table: loaddata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idLoad INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for loads
LoadType VARCHAR(45) NULL name of load profile used
Pd DOUBLE NULL example value for this load’s P demand, MW
Qd DOUBLE NULL example value for this load’s Q demand, MVAr
hedgeRatio DOUBLE NULL fraction, portion of avg monthly load to supply in the future market clearing
meanForecastError24h DOUBLE NULL normalized mean error for load forecasted 24 hrs ahead (dimensionless)
sigmaForecastError24h DOUBLE NULL standard deviation for load forecasted 24 hrs ahead (dimensionless)


Name Columns Type Description

Table: marketsconfiguration



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idMarketsConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for market configurations
name VARCHAR(45) NULL name given to the market configuration
year INT NULL year associated with the market configuration
MarketsConfigDataStructure JSON NULL JSON string of data for the market configuration for the given year, includes ntcValues, marketDaZones, marketDACoupling, marketDaBusMapping, marketForwardCoupling, marketForwardBusMapping, marketBaReserveInformation


Name Columns Type Description

Table: networkconfiginfo



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idNetworkConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for network configurations
name VARCHAR(45) NULL name given to the network configuration
year INT NULL year associated with the network configuration
baseMVA DOUBLE NULL MVA base used for converting power into per unit quantities, usually set to 100 MVA
MatpowerVersion VARCHAR(1) '2' defines which MatPower case version is used, currently version = 2 is the default, version 1 is outdated


Name Columns Type Description

Table: profiledata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idProfile INT PRIMARY, Auto increments, Not null primary identifier for profiles
name VARCHAR(45) NULL descriptive name for given profile
year INT NULL year associated with given profile
type VARCHAR(45) NULL defines the type of profile (Load, Generation, Water Inflow, Refueling/Maintenance Status, Reserve Requirement, etc.)
resolution VARCHAR(45) NULL # hrs each entry in the profile covers (1 = hourly, 24 = daily, 168 = weekly, etc.)
unit VARCHAR(45) 'MW' associated units of the given profile
timeSeries JSON NULL time series values of the profile


Name Columns Type Description

Table: projections



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
item VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY, Not null identifier for parameters with supplied projections
scenario VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY, Not null identifier for scenario options, Ref and High loosely related to scenarios with reference and high potential for GDP and energy demand according to
year INT PRIMARY, Not null year associated with the value
value DOUBLE Not null values for projections, (gdp, dem_ene, dem_ele, gdpcap, gfac are all indexed to 2010=1),


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY item, scenario, year PRIMARY

Table: renewabletargetconfiginfo



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idRenewTargetConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for renewable target configurations
name VARCHAR(45) NULL name given to the renewable target configuration


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idRenewTargetConfig PRIMARY

Table: renewabletargetdata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idRenewTargetConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for renewable target configurations
Year DOUBLE PRIMARY, Not null year associated with the renewable target value
renewTarget DOUBLE '0' value of the renewable target in TWh


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idRenewTargetConfig, Year PRIMARY

Table: scenarioconfiguration



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idScenario INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for scenario configurations
idNetworkConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for network configurations

foreign key to column idNetworkConfig on table networkconfiginfo.
idLoadConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for load configurations

foreign key to column idLoadConfig on table loadconfiginfo.
idGenConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for generator configurations

foreign key to column idGenConfig on table genconfiginfo.
idMarketsConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for market configurations

foreign key to column idMarketsConfig on table marketsconfiguration.
idRenewTargetConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for renewable target configurations

foreign key to column idRenewTargetConfig on table renewabletargetconfiginfo.
idDistGenConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for distributed generator configurations

foreign key to column idDistGenConfig on table distgenconfiginfo.
name VARCHAR(100) NULL name given to the scenario configuration
runParamDataStructure JSON NULL miscellaneous other information, includes startDate, endDate, colorCodes
Year INT PRIMARY, Not null year associated with the scenario configuration


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idScenario, idNetworkConfig, idLoadConfig, idGenConfig, idMarketsConfig, idRenewTargetConfig, idDistGenConfig, Year PRIMARY
fk_scenarioConfiguration_NetworkConfigInfo1_idx idNetworkConfig INDEX
fk_scenarioConfiguration_LoadConfigInfo1_idx idLoadConfig INDEX
fk_scenarioConfiguration_GenConfigInfo1_idx idGenConfig INDEX
fk_scenarioConfiguration_marketsConfiguration1_idx idMarketsConfig INDEX
fk_scenarioConfiguration_RenewTargetConfig1_idx idRenewTargetConfig INDEX
fk_scenarioConfiguration_DistGenConfigInfo1_idx idDistGenConfig INDEX

Table: securityref



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
DNS_vals JSON NULL Demand not served, in MW, number of entries corresponds to the number of contingencies tested
NLF_vals JSON NULL Number of Line/Transformer failures in a given contingency test, unitless, includes original contingencies and additional failures during cascading outage simulation

Table: transformerconfiguration



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idNetworkConfig INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for network configurations

foreign key to column idNetworkConfig on table networkconfiginfo.
idTransformer INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for transformers

foreign key to column idTransformer on table transformerdata.
TrafoName VARCHAR(45) Not null unique name for transformers
idFromBus INT Not null idBus for FROM side node of a given transformer

foreign key to column idBus on table busdata.
idToBus INT Not null idBus for TO side node of a given transformer

foreign key to column idBus on table busdata.
angmin DOUBLE '-360' minimum voltage angle different in degrees
angmax DOUBLE '360' maximum voltage angle different in degrees
status DOUBLE NULL transformer status, 1 = in service, 0 = out of service
FromBusName VARCHAR(45) NULL Bus Name for FROM side node of a given transformer
ToBusName VARCHAR(45) NULL Bus Name for TO side node of a given transformer
FromCountry VARCHAR(45) NULL Country abbreviation for FROM side node of a given transformer
ToCountry VARCHAR(45) NULL Country abbreviation for TO side node of a given transformer
Candidate TINYINT NULL indicator if a given transformer should be considered for investment
CandCost DOUBLE NULL annualized cost to build a candidate transformer, EUR/km/yr


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY idNetworkConfig, idTransformer PRIMARY
fk_TransformerConfiguration_BusData2_idx idFromBus INDEX
fk_TransformerConfiguration_TransformerData1_idx idTransformer INDEX
fk_TransformerConfiguration_NetworkconfigInfo1_idx idNetworkConfig INDEX
fk_TransformerConfiguration_BusData1_idx idToBus INDEX

Table: transformerdata



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
idTransformer INT PRIMARY, Not null primary identifier for transformers
TrafoName VARCHAR(45) Not null unique name for transformers
r DOUBLE NULL transformer resistance in p.u., all transformer parameters are defined in p.u. based on voltage of the TO (secondary) side node
x DOUBLE NULL transformer reactance in p.u., all transformer parameters are defined in p.u. based on voltage of the TO (secondary) side node
b DOUBLE NULL transformer susceptance in p.u., all transformer parameters are defined in p.u. based on voltage of the TO (secondary) side node
rateA DOUBLE '0' transformer rating in MVA, nominal rating
rateB DOUBLE '0' transformer rating in MVA, short term rating
rateC DOUBLE '0' transformer rating in MVA, emergency rating
tapRatio DOUBLE '1' transformer tap ratio, unitless
angle DOUBLE '0' transformer phase shift angle in degrees
StartYr DOUBLE NULL first year a transformer should be included in the network configuration
EndYr DOUBLE NULL last year a transformer should be included in the network configuration
MVA_Winter DOUBLE NULL transformer rating in MVA, applicable in winter
MVA_Summer DOUBLE NULL transformer rating in MVA, applicable in summer
MVA_SprFall DOUBLE NULL transformer rating in MVA, applicable in spring and fall
length DOUBLE NULL transformer length in km


Name Columns Type Description

Table: workforce



Column Data type Attributes Default Description
popscen VARCHAR(45) PRIMARY, Not null identifier for population projection scenario, scenarios A, B, C-00-2015 represent scenarios developed by BFS for population projections from 2015 to 2050
year INT PRIMARY, Not null year associated with the value
value DOUBLE Not null values represent head counts in full time equivalents


Name Columns Type Description
PRIMARY popscen, year PRIMARY