### **Setup** #### Get permissions Before setting up, ask for permission from to access the codes and the input database. ```Note:: |:warning:| Currently, the codes and databases are only accessible with an ETH account. ``` #### Local setup Even though the current Nexus-e platform is **not** yet suitable to run locally because of high consumption of resources such as memory, we do recommend to at least get the codes and connect to the database locally in order to view, understand, and edit them easily. Most the instructions below have been tested both on **Windows** and on **Mac**. ##### 1. Get the codes Make sure you have installed [git](https://git-scm.com/). The instructions here use **command lines**. If you have a GUI tool for git, you could use the corresponding operations in the GUI tool instead. An example using a GUI tool "GitKraken" can be found in section [Nexus-e repository instructions](nexuse_repo_instruction.html). - Create a folder where you want to put the codes - cd to that folder - Clone the overarching repository with this command: ```git clone --recursive https://gitlab.ethz.ch/nexus-e/nexus-e-framework.git``` You will be asked for your username and password for the repository and its submodules. In the end, the folder will look like the screenshot below. Note: You might not see the hidden files whose names start with a dot, and the `Results` folder will be automatically generated when you run Nexus-e. ![](images/nexus-e-folder.png) ##### 2. Connect with the input database - Find information to connect with the database in `UserDBInfo.txt` in the repository. The file contains four lines (for confidentiality the username and password is not written here, but can be found in the file): ``` itet-psl-s02 3306 DATABASE_USERNAME DATABASE_PASSWORD ``` - View the database - Install [MySQL](https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/) (Version 8.0 is recommended) and [MySQL Workbench](https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/). For Windows, follwing [this instruction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM4aZJW_Ojs). For MacOS, follow [this instruction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbK8cNS_cg0). - Connect to ETH VPN - Connect to the database with MySQL Workbench - Add a new MySQL connection ![](images/mysql-workbench-1.png) - Input connection information ![](images/mysql-workbench-2.png) - Click the button `Test Connection`. You will be asked to input your database password. Then you will see a seccess message: ![](images/mysql-workbench-3.png) ###### 2.1. (Optional) Make a local copy of the database ```eval_rst |:warning:| By default, everyone has write permission to the database. Therefore, to be safe, always make a local copy of the database before playing with it - i.e., first “Dump” it to a local folder, then import it to your personal MySQL account. These can be done in this window: ``` ![](images/mysql-workbench-dump.png) You might encounter the following problems when you run Nexus-e with a local database, follow the link for possible solutions: (1) [Error: "Access denied for user 'your_username'@'your_host_address' ..."](faq.html#access-denied-to-access-database) (2) [Error: "The server time zone value 'xxx' is unrecognized ..."](faq.html#database-server-timezone-issue) (3) [Error: "The user specified as a definer ('xxx'@'%') does not exist ..."](faq.html#database-definer-missing) ##### 3. Prepare software & license Apart from MySQL introduced above, we also need the following software to run Nexus-e locally. This will be introduced in this section. You could skip this section if you don't plan to run the whole Nexus-e platform locally. - Matlab - Python - Gurobi - GAMS - Latex - ImageMagick ###### Matlab - Download Matlab (R2020a or higher). Available at [ETH IT shop](https://itshop.ethz.ch/EndUser/Items/Home). - During installation, you need to install the "Database Toolbox", the "Financial Toolbox", and the "Communication Toolbox" as well by ticking the box for each toolbox (This option is available if you downloaded Matlab through the ETH IT shop). If this is not an option during installation, you can download it seperately [here](https://ch.mathworks.com/products/database.html). If possible install all toolboxes to avoid any inconveniences. - Set up database connector - Download the **MySQL connector** from [here](https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/). **Unzip** the file. Before downloading, select "Platform Independent" from the "Select Operating System" drop-down list. - Copy the MySQL connector folder (e.g. mysql-connector-java-8.0.18) into a folder at your preference. We recommend to put it into the **Matlab preferences folder**, which you can find by typing in Matlab Command Window ```prefdir```. - Create a **javaclasspath.txt** file in the **Matlab preferences folder**. - In the **javaclasspath.txt** file, write the path to the connector .jar file that you just copied. E.g., On a Windows computer the path is similar to `C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2018a\mysql-connector-java-8.0.18\mysql-connector-java-8.0.18.jar`. - Reload Matlab - Test whether a database connector is set up successfully. Write the following commands in Matlab (substitue `YOUR_USERNAME` and `YOUR_PASSWORD` with your credentials for the database). If the second command returns `1`, it means success. ``` conn = database("sys", YOUR_USERNAME, YOUR_PASSWORD, 'Vendor', 'MySQL', 'Server', 'itet-psl-s02'); isopen(conn) ``` ###### Python - Download [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/). Version 3.8.6 is recomended. Python 3.9 is not compatible with Gurobi 9.0.x yet. - (Optional) If you (will) use Python for multiple projects, it is recommended to create a virtual environment for Nexus-e (for example, using [virtualenv](https://uoa-eresearch.github.io/eresearch-cookbook/recipe/2014/11/26/python-virtual-env/)). - Install the required python packages listed in `requirements.txt` (e.g., with command `pip install -r requirements.txt`). ###### Gurobi - Download Gurobi (9.0 is recomended) and set up a free Gurobi academic license from [here](https://www.gurobi.com/academia/academic-program-and-licenses). - Connect Gurobi with Python following [this instruction](https://support.gurobi.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044290292-How-do-I-install-Gurobi-for-Python-). - Save Gurobi path for Matlab - Find out the path of `gurobi_setup.m`. (E.g., for mac, it is similar to `/Library/gurobi903/mac64/matlab`.) - Open Matlab; under the tab "Home", click **Set Path**; select **Add Folder...**; browse to the folder containing `gurobi_setup.m`; click **Open**. - A new entry of the selected path will appear on the right side of the **Set Path** window; click **Save**. ![](images/matlab-setpath.png) ###### GAMS - Download [GAMS](https://www.gams.com/32/). Version 32.2 is recomended. Our current license doesn't support versions newer than 32. - Set GAMS License - Use the `gamslice.txt` provided in polybox `02_Model/02_Model_Setup_Instruction`. - Install the license: [here](https://support.gams.com/installation:how_do_i_install_a_license_file) or [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSe3YGkUVoc) or (for MacOS) [here](https://www.gams.com/latest/docs/UG_MAC_INSTALL.html). - Save GAMS path for Matlab - Find out your GAMS path. It varies largely depending on your PC's operating system and the version of GAMS. For example, GAMS 32 on Mac has the path: `/Library/Frameworks/GAMS.framework/Versions/32/Resources`. - Similar to how you configured Gurobi for Matlab: Open Matlab; under the tab "Home", click **Set Path**; select **Add Folder...**; browse to the GAMS path; click **Open**. - A new entry of the selected path will appear on the right side of the **Set Path** window; click **Save**. - Connect GAMS with Python - Follow the instruction [here](https://github.com/NREL/gdx-pandas). ###### Latex - Download [Latex](https://www.latex-project.org/). ###### ImageMagick - Instructions for Windows: - Download ImageMagick from [here](https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#windows). Install ImageMagick from the .exe file. Tick **all** boxes when asked which packages to be installed (by default only the first three are selected). - Download dependable software "Ghostscript" from [here](https://www.ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html). Select Public License Ghostscript. Install the Ghostscript. - Optional (if ImageMagick does not work), download and install Visual studio from [here](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads). - Instructions for Mac: - Install ImageMagick from [here](https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#macosx) - Test if ImageMagick works: - Open Windows command prompt and browse to folder that contains a pdf file, e.g., testch.pdf - Use the following command to convert file: `convert testch.pdf testch.jpg` ##### 4. Edit conf_local.m - Make a copy of `example_conf_local.m` in the folder `Run_Nexuse/conf_local`. Name the copy as `conf_local.m`. (Note: You should only work with the local copy, because the original `example_conf_local.m` will be synchronized to git and it shouldn't be changed.) - In `conf_local.m` uncomment and modify the following variables based on your local computer's settings. More instructions can be found in the script `conf_local.m` itself. - PATH_MYSQL - PATH_PYTHON - PATH_GUROBI_FOR_PYTHON - PATH_LATEX - PATH_CONVERT - PATH_GAMS ```eval_rst .. note:: You don't necessarily need all software paths here. For example, if you only want to run the postprocess scripts, :code:`PATH_GUROBI_FOR_PYTHON` is not needed; if you only want to run DBcreation scripts, only :code:`DB_INFO_FILE` and :code:`PATH_MYSQL` are needed. ``` - (Optional) If you want to work with a [local copy of the database](#optional-make-a-local-copy-of-the-database) - Make a copy of `example_UserDBInfo_local.txt` in the folder `Run_Nexuse/conf_local`. Name the copy as `UserDBInfo_local.txt`. (Note: You should only work with the local copy, because the original `example_UserDBInfo_local.txt` will be synchronized to git and it shouldn't be changed.) - Edit `example_UserDBInfo_local.txt` based on your local settings: ``` (or "localhost") 3306 YOUR_LOCAL_USERNAME (e.g. "root") YOUR_LOCAL_PASSWORD ``` - Uncomment the variable `DB_INFO_FILE` in `conf_local.m`. - Test `conf_local.m`: in Matlab, run the script `conf_local/conf_test.m`. - If your `conf_local.m` is set up correctly, you should see outputs like "xxx works." - If you see "xxx FAILED", there will be information in the output showing why xxx failed. However, this is not necessarily a problem. Because as mentioned above, you don't always need all software. For example, if you only want to run postprocess scripts, `PATH_GUROBI_FOR_PYTHON` is not needed; if you only want to run DBcreation scripts, only `DB_INFO_FILE` and `PATH_MYSQL` are needed. ##### 5. Run Nexus-e - Connect to ETH VPN (in order to connect with the database) - Open Matlab - (Optional) Run `bench_Nexuse.m`. This is required before you run `run_Nexuse.m` for the first time, or after major changes have been made to eMark and/or CentIv. Running `bench_Nexuse.m` will create a file `/Gemel/results/benchmark_2015.mat` which is necessary to run `run_Nexuse.m`. - Run the script `run_Nexuse.m` in the `Run_Nexuse` folder. There are a few parameters that you can customize in the beginning of this run script: - You could change the variables `scen`, `scenShortName`, `tpRes`, `limDifference`, and `dbSuffix` as instructed in the script - If you don't want to run all 4 years, adjust `endY` for the case you are running. E.g., if endY=staY, it will only run one year. - Consult the [Nexus-e team](nexus-e@ethz.ch) if you want to run other scripts in the `Run_Nexuse` folder. #### Software for interacting with Euler from local machine #### In our experience, it is usefull to have two tools available for - transferring files between Euler and your local machine and - interacting with the command prompt on Euler. **GUIs for file transfer** For transferring files between Euler and your personal computer, a graphical user interface (GUI) is useful. We suggest [FileZilla](https://filezilla-project.org/) since it is available for "all" platforms. The scicomp wiki also has [information](https://scicomp.ethz.ch/wiki/Getting_started_with_clusters#Graphical_tools) on this. **Command prompts for secure shell connections** Unix systems (Linux/Mac) come with shells (command prompts) from which useful interactions with Euler are possible. E.g., type `ssh @euler.ethz.ch` to make a "secure shell" connection to Euler and issue commands to the Euler command prompt. Windows users are less fortunate and have to install additional software to achieve this functionality. Examples are - putty.exe and - [MobaXterm](https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/). We can highly recommend MobaXTerm. **Login** - Log-in with `ssh` on Unix-based operating systems: `ssh @euler.ethz.ch` Lacking SSH keys, ssh will ask you for your ETH (LDAP) password and after that your following commands are issued to Euler. See [scicomp wiki](https://scicomp.ethz.ch/wiki/Getting_started_with_clusters#SSH) for instructions for setting up SSH keys if desired. - File transfers between local and Euler in FileZilla can be made through `sftp` (secure file transfer protocol). For this, enter `sftp://euler.ethz.ch` in the 'server' field and your ETH-user name and password in the respective fields, then hit 'connect'. - Access to Euler: since May 2020, first time access to Euler is only granted upon request. ETH account holders just write an email to cluster-support@id.ethz.ch; If you used the Euler cluster before the 15. May 2020, then you would need to change your LDAP password to get again access to the Euler cluster (wait for 1 day until the change takes effect). (see https://scicomp.ethz.ch/wiki/Getting_started_with_clusters for more info). #### Euler setup In order to run the full Nexus-e platform efficiently, we use [Euler](https://scicomp.ethz.ch/wiki/Euler), an ETH cluster for High Performance Computing. To set up the Nexus-e platform on Euler, you first need to access Euler. Instructions on accessing Euler and commands for Euler can be found [here](https://scicomp.ethz.ch/wiki/Getting_started_with_clusters#Euler). ##### 1. Join the Nexus-e user group We have a user group for access to Nexus-e specific licenses (e.g. GAMS) and the Euler pre-paid share. The user group is called: **MAVT-esc-nexus-e**, and is set and maintained by D-MAVT IT. To join the user group, ask Blazhe Gjorgiev to send an email to `servicedesk@mavt.ethz.ch`. To check whether you are added to the user group, use command line ssh to Euler (type `ssh username@euler.ethz.ch`), then type `groups` to show a list of groups that your user account is linked to, which should contain “MAVT-esc-nexus-e”. ##### 2. Get the codes - Create a folder where you want to put the codes - cd to that folder - Clone the overarching repository with this command: ```git clone --recursive https://gitlab.ethz.ch/nexus-e/nexus-e-framework.git``` You will be asked for your username and password for the repository and its submodules. In the end, the folder will look like the screenshot below. Note: tThe `Results` folder will be automatically generated when you run Nexus-e. ![](images/euler-nexus-e-folder.png) ##### 3. Prepare dependencies Unlike setting up Nexue-s locally, we don't need to download any software or license on Euler. Instead, they are all prepared for all users in the user group **MAVT-esc-nexus-e**. You should already be a member of the group if you have followed the [first step](#join-the-nexus-e-user-group). But still, we need to explicitely load all the dependencies, including modules (an Euler term for "software") and python packages. - Load modules - Option 1: Manually load modules every time before running Nexus-e Copy the following commands into Euler: ``` env2lmod export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/python/lib64/python3.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH module load gams/28.2 module load gurobi/9.1.1 module load matlab/R2020b module load gcc/4.8.5 module load python/3.7.4 module load texlive/live module load hdf5/1.10.1 ``` env2lmod serves as a switch from the old to the new Euler software stack. Alterntievly one can type in `comand set_software_stack.sh new` to permently switch to the new software stack. - Option 2: Edit `.bash_profile` or `.bashhrc` so that the modules are automatically loaded upon log in to Euler Write the same commands at the end of `.bash_profile`. This is a hidden file in your Euler's home directory. After adding these commands, your `.bash_profile` should look similar to this: ![](images/euler-bash-profile.png) **Test**: To test whether the modules have been successfully loaded, type `module list` in the commaand line. It should then list all loaded modules. - Install python packages This you only need to do it **once**, i.e. you don't need to do it everytime when you run Nexus-e. In command line under your home directory, - `cd` to the folder where you have stored the Nexus-e codes - type `pip install --user -r requirements.txt` You might encounter software compatibility problems when running Nexus-e on Euler, follow the link for possible solutions: [Matlab & Python compatibility error: "ImportError: ...pyexpat...: undefined symbol: XML_SetHashSalt"](faq.html#matlab-python) ##### 4. Connect with the input database - Download the **MySQL connector** from [here](https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/). **Unzip** the file. - Copy the MySQL connector folder into the hidden .matlab folder (e.g., .matlab/2020a). - Tip: To see all folders including the hidden ones, use the command `ls -a`. - If you don't see the .matlab folder, run Matlab once: type in `matlab` -> you will see Matlab is started in the terminal -> type in `exit` -> Matlab will stop -> you should then see the .matlab folder. - Create a **javaclasspath.txt** file in the same folder as above. - In the **javaclasspath.txt** file, write the path to the connector .jar file that you just copied. E.g., On Blazhe's Euler account the path is `/cluster/home/gblazhe/.matlab/R2018a/mysql-connector-java-8.0.18/mysql-connector-java-8.0.18.jar`. - Logoff and re-login to Euler ##### 5. Run Nexus-e - `cd` to the `Run_Nexuse` folder - (Optional) Run `bench_Nexuse.m`. This is required before you run `run_Nexuse.m` for the first time, or after major changes have been made to eMark and/or CentIv. Running `bench_Nexuse.m` will create a file `/Gemel/results/benchmark_2015.mat` which is necessary to run `run_Nexuse.m`. - Customize the run script `run_Nexuse.m`. - You could change the variables `scen`, `scenShortName`, `tpRes`, `limDifference`, and `dbSuffix` as instructed in the script. (Recommendation: For quick test, use `tpRes = 8` and `limDifference = 0.1`.) - If you don't want to run all 4 years, adjust `endY` for the case you are running. E.g., if endY=staY, it will only run one year. - Submit the job (the standard run script is `run_Nexuse.m`) with a command such as (Note: Don't type `.m` after the script name.) ``` bsub -n 36 -R "model==XeonGold_6150" -R "rusage[mem=5180]" -W "10:00" matlab -r run_Nexuse ``` The parameters in this command can be costomized. Experience with resource usage to run Nexus-e with different time resolution and convergence criteria can be found [here](euler_instruction.html#experience-with-resource-usage). General instructions on bash and Euler commands can be found [here](euler_instruction.html). Here we give a short explanation to the example command above: ![](images/euler-job-submission.png) After submission, Euler will respond by telling you what the jobID is. - Consult [Nexus-e team](nexus-e@ethz.ch) if you want to run other scripts in the `Run_Nexuse` folder. NOTE: For submissions that require large memory, it is recommended to select EPYC_7742, for submission with smaller memory requirements either select EPYC_7742 or XeonGold_6150. ```eval_rst |:warning:| We have experienced issues with the database connector when computing node is not selected on Euler. ```